Because once you ask yourself the question 'what about me' everything changes for the better, I mean after all, who are you, what do you want? The Women 2008

It feels good to help other people but if it's time to focus on your own life then you'll need to manage the behaviours of others because they'll not welcome change. So if you're wondering why I'm qualified to help you, well I've been right where you are now, fearing that you'll lose someone if you say no and making excuses for their behaviour but let's be honest here they're probably being unreasonable. So if this means changing your behaviour, making a clean break or doing something completely out of character to prove a point then that's what needs to happen so you can open up the path for new and exciting things and whatever you decide to do it can be managed by being as creative with your budget as you need to be or as indulgent as you want.

Here's how it can help you?

~ You'll gain perspective around difficulties so they don't feel so overwhelming
~ You'll find that pushing yourself to do something even when you don't feel ready promotes responsibility 
~ You'll see time, money and energy as valuable assets that you'll not want to give away so easily 
~ You'll realize that you can't change others but you can change yourself 
~ You'll recognize that some sob stories are just that so you won't buy into them 


I'm a qualified movie therapist, mentor and life coach and I've worked with people by helping them use movies as a vehicle towards increasing their self-esteem through the support I received from organizations such as Wirral Mind and The School for Social Entrepreneurs where I graduated from as a fellow on the Innovators for Health program - click here  for a full list of my qualifications and accreditations.
Moreover I'm a recovering over giver simply because after years of being there for others someone asked me to take on something which would mean that my life wouldn't be my own again and I simply said no and this was only possible because I'd learnt to listen, stay calm and not create excuses and let me tell you that it's hard when people fall out with you because you're not doing what they want but you have to get past this because your life matters.

How I roll - if you have an inkling that we could work together and would like an informal chat or you'd like the opportunity to do a movie therapy exercise then click the link below to book yourself in for a free 30 minute telephone consultation or check out the free courses on the resources page.